PALS Art Show 2021

Milagros Coffee House 529 Main St., Alamosa, United States

Starting November 12th and running through the end of the month, original art created by kids in our PALS children’s program will be on sale at Milagros Coffee House! All pieces of art are certified originals and cost $10 per piece. All of the proceeds go directly to the artists for them to use as […]

La Puente’s Community Christmas Party

La Puente's annual Christmas Party is an event that brings the community together to celebrate a season of giving and togetherness. This year, We are bringing all the magic of Christmas outside! Join us for an outdoor drive-thru event on December 18th from 12-3. Location TBD. Guests will enjoy a winter wonderland drive-thru experience with decorations, […]

Giving Tuesday & Colorado Gives Day

November 30th is Giving Tuesday. GivingTuesday is an opportunity for people around the world to use their individual power of generosity to remain connected and support their communities. It’s a day when everyone comes together to give back in all forms-acts of kindness, gifts of voice, time, talent or treasure. GivingTuesday strives to build a […]

Share the Magic

This year's Share the Magic event revolves around Adam State Theater's production of Christmas Time! Christmas Time! A holiday variety show.  La Puente partners with Valley Wide Health Services and Adams State University Theater Department to support La Puente's family of programs for those struggling with poverty and homelessness. La Puente is our community's response […]

La Puente’s Winter Vigil

Parking Lot of Com. Ed. 601 Ninth St., Alamosa

Join us in solidarity, with those without a home, and remember those whom we have lost while experiencing homelessness. The candlelight vigil will be a chance for us to reflect on the suffering in our community. The event is held outdoors, as we stand with those, experiencing the winter night’s harshness firsthand. For more information, please […]

CROP Walk 2022

Outside the Alamosa Senior Center 92 Colorado Ave, Alamosa, CO, United States

Join us for an fun and educational day, where we will learn about local and worldwide hunger issues. All proceeds go to hunger fighting efforts. Registration will be outside the Senior Center at Cole Park starting at 1 p.m. Walk begins at 2 p.m. We hope to see you there! Sign up on your own or with a team at

Hunger Education Week

Millions are still unable to eat sufficient food to meet basic nutritional needs. Hunger Education Week is a series of events designed to increase awareness about the realities of hunger in our communities and what we can do to help. La Puente's 2022 Hunger Education week will take place from Sunday, April 24th through Friday, […]

Fill the Van

City Market and Safeway

On Tuesday April 26th, our food bank van and volunteers will be posted outside City Market and Safeway in Alamosa from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., collecting canned goods for the SLV Food Bank Network's pantries.

Generosity on Tap

The Colorado Farm Brewery 2070 County Road 12 South, Alamosa, CO, United States

Join us at our annual Generosity on Tap Fundraiser supporting La Puente's Food Bank Network of the San Luis Valley. We are excited to be having this years event in person at The Colorado Farm Brewery. Ticket price includes a live & Silent Auction, appetizers from Gosar Sausage, and live music performed by Don Richmond […]

VEGI Kick Off

Come join us for this years VEGI Kick off Birthday Brunch!  We are proud to announce that VEGI has been growing food at Boyd Garden for 25 years.  To celebrate, we are having a brunch followed by a workday in Boyd Garden on Saturday, May 14th starting at 11:30am.  There will be meat, vegetarian, and […]