Food Assistance

Food Assistance

Monthly Commodities

Monthly Commodities

Gleaning Opportunities

Gleaning Opportunities

Building Community

Building Community


About the Food Bank Network of the SLV

Everyone deserves access to quality, nutritious food.
La Puente's Food Bank Network of the San Luis Valley provides nutritious emergency food to those in the San Luis Valley, through a coalition of 15 food pantries spread across 8,000 square miles. The Food Bank Network offers fresh produce and healthy options for individuals and families. To our neighbors, it's more than just a box of food. It gives everyone their own choices all while getting the most abundant and nutritious options for their budgets. The coalition of food pantries strives to address the immediacy of hunger and access to food in our local communities.

Scroll down to find a food pantry location/hours near you!

Find a Food Bank

The Food Bank Network strives to give everyone access to food!

La Puente’s Food Bank Network of the San Luis Valley
For questions regarding pantries with no number listed please call (719) 589-4567

Updated August 2024

LOCATION                                    ADDRESS                                          DAYS & HOURS                         CONTACT

Alamosa802 State Ave.
Alamosa, CO 81101
Monday – Friday
12 PM-4 PM
Antonito301 Front Street
Antonito, CO 81120
11AM – 1:45 PM
For more information call 719 589 4567
Adams State UniversityStudent Union Building
CORE Center
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Capulin8197 HWY 15
Capulin, CO 81124
1st Monday of the month and the following Saturday 10AM-12 PM 
CenterRainbow’s End Center
350 S. Worth Street
Center, CO 81125
11AM-1 PM
For more information call 719 589 4567
CreedeMineral County Public Health
802 Rio Grande Ave
Creede, CO 81130
8AM-4 PM
8AM-3 PM
CrestoneAcross From Baca Grande Library
66611 County Road T
Crestone, CO 81131
3 PM-5:30 PM
For more information call 719 589 4567
Del Norte630 Spruce Street
(in the alley behind Pioneer United Church)
Del Norte, CO 81132
Saturday after the 3rd Thursday of the month
from 10 AM – 12 PM
Fort GarlandHoly Family Catholic Church
626 Beaubien Ave
Blanca, CO 81133
1-3 PM
For more information call 719 589 4567
BlancaBlanca/Ft Garland Community Center
HWY 160
Blanca, CO 81123
“Pop Up Pantry”: 1st Monday of the month; Monday-Thursday 9 AM- 4 PM719 379 3450
La JaraOur Lady of the Valley Catholic Church
19617 US 285
La Jara, CO 81140
1st Monday of the month 9:45 AM-11 AM & Wednesdays 2:30 PM-5 PMFor more information call 719 589 4567
MoffatFree Spirit Christian Church
HWY 17 & Moffat Way
Moffat, CO 81143
2 PM-4 PM
719-256-5114 or 719-650-5066
Monte Vista245 Washington Street
Monte Vista, CO 81144
Tuesdays 4PM-6PM and Fridays 10AM-12 PM719-852-4851
SaguacheSaguache County Social Services
605 Christy Ave
Sagauche, CO 81149
8 AM-4 PM
719-655-2537 After hours: 719 849 8465
San LuisBehind El Convento
5th St & Calle de Gallo
San Luis, CO 81152
1-3 PM
For more information call 719 589 4567
The Food Bank Network of the SLV distributes CSFP (also known as Everyday Eats or Senior Commodities) & TEFAP programs for Alamosa County.
Alamosa Distribution Information: 
  • 4th Thursday of each month
  • 10:00am-2:00pm
  • 8735 Independence Dr, Alamosa, just north of the Department of Human Services
Visitors receive a pre-packed box of food for each program, if eligible, which includes a variety of shelf-stable staples and generally includes refrigerated cheese or frozen meat or produce.
Check your eligibility for TEFAP here
Check your eligibility for CSFP/Everyday Eats/Senior Commodities here.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Read the Full Nondiscrimination Statement here


Accordion Content


Digging Deeper

Frequently asked questions about the Food Bank Network

Isolation, poverty, geographic expanse, and limited economic opportunities give way to vast inequities throughout the San Luis Valley. As a symptom of these systemic issues, food insecurity is widespread. More and more families are turning to emergency food pantries as part of their long-term strategies to meet monthly shortfalls in food. An average of 1 in 4 living in the San Luis Valley utilize the Food Bank Network at some point during the year. Oftentimes, individuals who walk through our doors are not looking for handouts; they are looking for tools to help improve their situations. It is for this reason that the Food Bank Network of the San Luis Valley remains necessary.

The primary avenue in which the Food Bank Network meets needs is through emergency food assistance, offering anyone in need of food assistance access to groceries free-of-charge. Staff members work hard to support clients in making healthier choices by providing fresh produce and nutrient-dense foods for those facing hunger. In addition to providing food, the Food Bank Network offers access to educational resources such as SNAP benefits and nutrition education so individuals and families can get the most abundant and healthiest options for their budgets.

At the Alamosa Food Pantry, the hub of the Food Bank Network, donations of perishable food from food retailers are received on a regular basis, ranging from daily to weekly. These donations are supplemented by the generous support of individuals and businesses who organize food drives or donate food as they are able; we work in partnership with farmers who allow us to glean harvest that is left behind in their fields. These local resources account for a large portion of the food we distribute.

The Food Bank Network also partners with its regional food bank, Care and Share, to offer further assistance for folks in need through the distribution of surplus commodities. Surplus commodities derive from a federal nutrition program called the Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) which is managed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Food delivered by Care and Share through TEFAP helps supplement the variety of food San Luis Valley residents receive from La Puente’s food pantries and is free-of-charge; the Food Bank Network’s Commodities Warehouse is located at 8735 Independence Drive | Alamosa, CO 81101. For those in need of food assistance, TEFAP distribution occurs monthly, every fourth Thursday, from 10am to 2pm. For inquiries, please contact the Food Bank Network’s main line for assistance. 

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Read the Full Nondiscrimination Statement here

  • Coordinate a Food Drive: Food drives allow us to provide a variety of goods on our shelves, allowing clients to pick from greater options. If you would like to hold a food drive for the Food Bank Network please call (719) 589-4567.
  • Make a Monetary Donation: Financial donations allow us to meet the most urgent need, whether purchasing food or covering gas for pickups.
  • Grow a Row: Dedicate part of your own garden; access to fresh produce is crucial as we strive to provide nutritious foods for the clients of our Food Bank Network.
  • Volunteer: We can always use volunteers! If interested, please call La Puente’s Volunteer Coordination office at (719) 587-3499 to learn about special events and volunteer opportunities.

In addition, the Food Bank Network also partners with Feeding America, offering further assistance for folks in need through the distribution of surplus commodities from Care and Share in Colorado Springs. Surplus commodities derive from a federal nutrition program called the Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). Food delivered by Care and Share through TEFAP, helps supplement the variety of food San Luis Valley residents receive from La Puente’s food pantries and is free-of-charge; the Food Bank Network’s Commodities Warehouse is located at 8735 Independence Drive | Alamosa, CO 81101. For those in need of food assistance, TEFAP distribution occurs monthly, every fourth Thursday, from 10am to 2pm. For inquiries, please contact the Food Bank Network’s main line for assistance.

We believe in a land of plenty.
The Food Bank Network offers fresh produce and healthy food options for those who find themselves not knowing where their next meal will come from or having to choose between buying groceries and making other critical needs payments.