Summer & After School Programming

Summer & After School Programming

One-on-One Mentorship

One-on-One Mentorship

Social Emotional Skill Building

Social Emotional Skill Building

Once-in-a-Lifetime Trips

Once-in-a-Lifetime Trips


About PALS

A Children's Program: Positive Activities Lead to Success
The PALS Children's Program is a referral-based, licensed, after-school and summer program designed for kindergarten through 5th grade children with high social-emotional needs. Tailored to the unique needs and interests of each child, PALS focuses on fostering social, emotional, and behavioral growth utilizing evidence-based practices within a nurturing and exploratory learning environment. The program is designed to empower children by strengthening their sense of self, connection to family, and engagement with their community. Through creative activities and enriching experiences, PALS encourages personal growth, self-expression, and resilience. PALS also offers family support in the form of goal-setting, offering educational opportunities for families and collaboration with other community organizations. Through this expansion of the program, we have been able to implement, since late in 2023, a program for PALS graduates where children come back to support the program by mentoring, attending field trips, receiving support when needed and engaging in community service.

Frequently Asked Questions

click below to learn more about pals children's program

Activities include:

  • Individual case management
  • Sources of Strength – an evidence-based program promoting resiliency
  • Social and Emotional Lessons
  • 15+ field trips
  • Access to community recreation opportunities
  • Annual Art Show
  • Annual Talent Show
  • Family Support
  • Access to healthy snacks after school and healthy meals during full days
  • Valley Educational Garden Initiative – VEGI experiential learning

Children are accepted into the PALS program on a referral basis. These referrals can come from multiple sources such as the Adelante program, the Shelter, doctor’s offices, parole agents, counselors, the Alamosa County Department of Human Services & others.

You can refer a child to PALS by submitting a form here

Have questions about the referral process? Email [email protected] 

All PALS staff and full-time volunteers are background checked (Childcare License, Federal, State, Trails, Criminal, and Sexual History background checks) and undergo rigorous trainings (Colorado Childcare License, Trust Based Relational Intervention, Sources of Strength, Case Management). On our staff we have a full-time Family Engagement Specialist.

PALS also partners with a play-therapist, consults with a child psychologist, and collaborates with local school districts. We are thankful for all our local partnering organizations. 

We celebrate every child when they graduate from PALS! Moreover, we want to maintain the connection with each child once they leave PALS as well as continue to offer mentorship. As such, we have a PALS “Graduate Program” in which staff meet with PALS alumni for one-on-ones or group activities! 

Digging Deeper

the mission behind pals children's program

As a result of difficult economic circumstances in the San Luis Valley, many families struggle with food insecurity and finding stable, affordable housing. The growing up in conditions of poverty can lead to difficult physical or emotional circumstances, which may become the root of other traumas, such as neglect or abuse. Children who have experienced significant traumas need extra support and attention during their formative years to ensure that the struggle of their youth and poverty does not repeated. Through PALS children are able overcome these challenges and have hope for a better and brighter future.

PALS meets the needs of children who come from difficult or traumatic backgrounds by providing a safe, structured environment with staff members who work to build trusting interpersonal relationships with each child.

Children are accepted into the PALS program on a referral basis. These referrals can come from multiple sources such as the Adelante program, the Shelter, the Alamosa County Department of Human Services & others. In addition to working closely with these agencies, PALS staff work alongside a child’s parents, teachers, caseworkers, and other service providers to serve each child in the best way possible.

All PALS activities aim to offer a positive, supportive environment and opportunities for children to broaden their personal experiences. The program is child lead and focused. Each week the kids meet one-on-one with staff members to set self-determined goals, together they create a plan to achieve them

During the school year, daily activities at PALS include group sharing in circle time, snacks, help with homework, park outings, cooking lessons, art, and music sessions. On days when school is not in session or the summer, PALS runs a full-day program. These days involve special activities such as field trips around the San Luis Valley or elsewhere. PALS Pride is one way that the program gives back to the local community. Whether it is picking up trash, planting trees for Arbor Day, or handing out groceries at La Puente’s Alamosa Food Pantry, the PALS kids learn the important value of hard work and charity.

Give Financially

  • Financial contributions help pay for field trips, healthy snacks, and materials for activities. You can write a check to La Puente with the memo “PALS” and send it to PO Box 1235, Alamosa, CO 81101 or give online here

Tax Credits: 

  1. Donate $100 or more per donation excluding PayPal fees.  
  2. In the comment section write :  “PALS/CCTC” for a 50% tax credit.
  3. Call our office at 719-589-5909 to provide information for tax purposes.
  4. We’ll send you a certificate of tax credit.

* To be eligible, you must be a Colorado resident. These tax credits can be carried forward for up to five future tax years.


In-Kind Donations

  • Mini-van for transportation 
  • Art supplies (canvases, markers, pastels, watercolors, multi-media sketchbooks)


Provide Experiences 

  • $15 gift cards for one-on-one outings with the PALS kids (Starbucks, Alamosa Smoothys, 7 Brew, Walmart, Hobby Town, and Milagros Coffee House, 4th Street Grill)
  • $100 gift cards to sponsor a field trip (Sand Dunes Recreation Pool in Hooper, Allen Town Movie Theatre in Alamosa)  
  • If you are a business owner and want to provide a fun experience for the kids, reach out to us!  

PALS provides children with the social-emotional skills needed to succeed. PALS values exploration, growth, healthy relationships, education, self-regulation, and fun! We strive to provide a safe environment where each child has the opportunity to thrive.