• administration@lapuente.net
  • 719-589-5909
3 Meals Daily

3 Meals Daily

Emergency Lodging

Emergency Lodging

Case Management

Case Management

Health & Hygienic Support

Health & Hygienic Support



About the Shelter

One of the first rural homeless shelters in Colorado
The La Puente homeless shelter has been one of the few organizations in southern Colorado to provide emergency shelter services. Since its founding in 1982, it has been an open door where people can step into safety.

Resources include:
*Forty-five beds serving men, women, and families through thirty-day transitional housing.
*basic needs such as showers, & essential hygiene items
*Nutritious meals served everyday, every year.
*Case management with shelter staff. Providing guests a supportive resource network. Together they strive towards stabilization.

Through this support there is new hope for those experiencing homelessness.

Digging Deeper

Frequently asked questions

Today many in our community find themselves homeless and in need. Homelessness impacts all communities and is the result of poverty. Within homelessness there are many stigmas and the public response to individuals in crisis often experience a lack of compassion. People find themselves in need for many reasons, whether it’s because of addiction, mental health, or domestic violence, anyone can find themselves without shelter or other basic needs. Regardless of their situation, we seek to be a home, willing and able to support people get back on their feet.

Emergency Housing
The shelter meets community need by offering people a safe place to stay as they work to get back on their feet. Within five days of entering the shelter doors, guests are assigned a case manager who works with guests on their development of a 30-day plan that fits with the goal of getting our guests closer to independent living. Depending on their needs, a case manager helps connect guests with employment navigation and readiness services, housing navigation, or assists with referrals to other programs in the community for further support. Guests engage in development their personal plan to transition out of the shelter.  Annually, the facility provides over 10,000 nights of provisional lodging as well as community outreach services including hygiene kits, shower facilities, clothing, shoes, diapers, and other necessities that many in our community are without.

Community Meals
Over 50,000 meals are served on an annual basis. Each meal is prepared by shelter staff members, community volunteers, or workgroups. The food used for each meal is donated by the generosity of others. La Puente’s shelter serves three meals a day, which are open to the community as well as the guests residing at the shelter. 

Breakfast: 6 AM | Lunch: 12 PM | Dinner: 6 PM

Donate food: Food donations are appreciated. Canned goods are especially appreciated for feeding large groups of people through our community meals. 

Donate hygiene items: We provide hygiene kits for guests and community members in need. These kits include basic needs items such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, feminine hygiene products, razors, washcloths, etc.

Donate your time: The shelter serves three meals a day. We welcome anyone who wants to prepare and serve a meal at the shelter. For more information on how to volunteer at the shelter, please call La Puente’s Volunteer Coordination office at 719-587-3499.

We believe every human being is worthy of love, respect, and care without exception. The shelter is a community resource meant to ensure we can meet the basic needs of our neighbors who are experiencing crisis.