The annual Backpack Drive serves the children around the San Luis Valley by providing them with necessary supplies for school. This year’s Backpack Distribution took place on Friday, August 11th. The distributions were outside the three Rainbow’s End Thrift Stores located in Alamosa, Monte Vista, and Center. Over 500 backpacks were distributed that day, along with some stickers so students could personalize their school supplies.
The Importance of the Backpack Drive
One in three children in the San Luis Valley grows up in poverty. The National Retail Foundation discovered that the cost of school supplies is at an all-time high (NPR). This year, on average, a household could spend over $800 on school supplies, not including the average $400 spent on clothes and shoes (KOAA News5). La Puente recognizes that some families might choose between buying school supplies and paying bills or making rent. Events like these can help alleviate the stress parents, guardians, and caregivers could face when preparing for the upcoming school year.

With school starting, it is important to know the different programs that La Puente offers that could serve as a resource throughout the school year:
- The Shelter provides meals to the community every day, serving lunch from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. and dinner from 5 p.m.-6 p.m.
- PALS Children’s Program is a referral-based program that helps encourage a child’s personal growth and self-expression. PALS provides individual case management, access to academic tutoring, social and emotional lessons, field trips, and different opportunities with community partners.
- VEGI hosts different programs to help educate students and community members about nutrition and gardening.
- Adelante Family Resource Center offers several programs that families can apply for. Such as their Working Together program which works with parents who have children under 5 who are interested in pursuing educational or vocational opportunities.
- The Crisis Prevention team works in partnership with clients to identify and overcome hurdles so they can live self-sufficiently in an economically struggling community. Part of this includes assistance with rent, mortgage, and medical bill payments.
- ReThreads is a free community resource offering everyone access to clothes, home goods, toiletries, and other necessities.
- Rainbow’s End and Hunt Avenue Boutique have clothes for all ages at discounted rates.
- Milagros Coffee House has free wifi and can serve as a study space for students.
- The Food Bank Network offers fresh produce and healthy options for individuals and families from 12 p.m.-4 p.m. Monday to Friday.
These are just some resources available through La Puente Home, Inc. All these programs have an array of events and resources they provide that can help meet the needs of an individual or family.
Thank you to all our donors who helped make this annual event possible. Also thank you to all those who volunteered their time to distribute to the students of the Valley.