Needs List

​Each La Puente program has a unique set of needs

You can help us meet the need!
If you have new or gently used items to donate, or want to add a few items to your own shopping list, you can drop them off at the corresponding program's office (office addresses are posted on each program's page on this website).

Please download our the PDF below to view the most recent Needs List.

Amazon Wish Lists

You can help us meet the need with just a click!

Another easy way to donate items is through Amazon. Our pre-selected list of items ensure that we can provide our clients exactly what they need!

We highly encourage identifying in the gift note who the donation is from, so we can thank you for your generosity and send you a donation receipt, if desired. 

Scan the QR codes or click on the buttons below to view our Amazon wish lists for various programs.

Food Bank Network & VEGI Needs List

Shelter, Crisis Prevention, & Street Outreach Needs List

PALS Children's Program Needs List

Adelante Family Resource Center Needs List