Introduction/Read First

Hello and thank you for joining us on this journey! We are so excited to be starting this blog and wanted to share our vision for the future of this endeavor.
Blog Details
This blog will be a chance for us to dig deeper into some of the topics we touch on in our social media and share stories and experiences that may not fit perfectly into our quarterly newsletter. It will also be a discussion forum where we all as a community can interact with each other to learn from each other and dig deeper into difficult topics.
There will be articles that are more research-based as they focus on topics about the material consequences of poverty and how it propagates generational impact, and there will be articles that are more opinion based as they share the perspective of individuals serving with La Puente. If we cannot continue learning about the population we serve and why poverty remains an issue we will never be able to provide long-term solutions and both of these approaches are important to the health of our community.
The objective or focus of this endeavor is to be a different platform from social media where it can be a place for deeper conversations and a place to raise awareness and dispel social stigmas surrounding poverty, homelessness, and hunger. Here is a place where we can focus on the details of our mission and the values we hold as an organization; a chance for us to dig into the heart of our programs while also self-examining the reasons we are providing the services and making the decisions we do.
We will be publishing once a week to every other week. We encourage you to interact with each other on these posts as each person brings a unique perspective to the table.
We hope that everyone will enjoy reading these posts as our target audience is anyone who may be interested in La Puente and the work we are doing as well as those who would like to learn more about poverty and why it continues to be an elusive dilemma to solve.