
AmeriCorps at La Puente

Rural Alliance for Dignity (RAD)
La Puente would not exist without the support and energy of our AmeriCorps members, who commit a year of service and are the core of our team.

These individuals come from all over the country to serve at the front-lines of La Puente's direct-service programs. While here, individuals serve a full 40 hours a week, take part in community living, and participate in professional development activities (i.e., various trainings, retreats, and community nights).

For more information, please contact our office at [email protected]


AmeriCorps is a National Service Program through the Corporation for National and Community Service that engages over 70,000 Americans every year in impactful service to communities nationwide. AmeriCorps provides members with professional development while promoting civic engagement and directly meeting community needs.

This material is based upon work supported by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) under AmeriCorps Grant 21ACDCO0010005. Opinions or points of view expressed in this document/website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of, or a position that is endorsed by, CNCS or the AmeriCorps program.

We offer several life-changing benefits:

  • Education Award
  • Living Stipend 
  • Professional Skills Development 
  • Experience Southern Colorado

Learn more details by contacting our office! 

All AmeriCorps Members and Full-Time Volunteers at La Puente are strongly encouraged to live in one of five fully furnished volunteer houses with 4-7 other members. The purpose of living in volunteer housing is to build a community based on service, simple living, and intentional relationships. On our AmeriCorps application, you will be given the choice to “live in volunteer housing” OR “seek own housing.” 

Members are also expected to be active members in community night trainings, service retreats, and other community events. Service at La Puente brings together members of different backgrounds to create a diverse community with the shared value of service.

This program is available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, political affiliation, or religion. All are encouraged to apply.

If you are interested in serving with La Puente please apply here! We review applications on a rolling basis until all positions have been filled. After you submit the initial application, our office will contact you to schedule a follow-up phone or video call. If at that point it is determined you would be a good fit for La Puente (and La Puente would be a good fit for you!) we will coordinate interviews with the specific La Puente programs you are interested in. 

Questions? Contact our office at [email protected] or call our recruitment line at 719-849-9042

La Puente would not be able to operate our programs and services if it were not for the committed service of our full time volunteers and AmeriCorps Members.